Wednesday, May 23, 2012

How to make fabric Flowers

It is spring! If the flowers are not blooming yet here is a round-up of awesome tutorials to help you make your own flowers!

How to make fabric Flowers

1. How to make lovely fabric flowers

2.  How to make ribbon peony flowers

3. Pretty Organza Flower Tutorial

4.  How to make ribbon roses

5.  Fabric Flower Tutorial

6.  Felt Box Fold Flower How To

7.  Felt Blooms

8.  Scrap Flower Tutorial

9.  Fabric Yo Yo Flowers

..And how about updating your spring wardrobe with this beautiful rolled rose bracelet.

10. Rolled Rose Bracelet made using this tutorial.

Just had to add one more! My newest fabric flower hair clip.

11. Fabric Flower Tutorial

If you need more flowers don’t miss the round-up of crochet flower tutorials!

Valentine's Bouquet

Step 1

First, cut a piece of ribbon to about 40", and then cut diagonally on either end to have two sharp points. If you don’t have ribbon, you can use a strip of your favorite fabric; we recommend top-stitching or overlocking the edges to check fray.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Pogledajte nas

Pogledajte nas. Sve je izvrnuto, sve je naopako. Liječnici uništavaju zdravlje, pravnici uništavaju pravdu, sveučilišta uništavaju znanje, vlade uništavaju slobodu, glavni mediji uništavaju informacije, a religije uništavaju duhovnost.

Michel Ellner, pisac

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Poruka GEORGE Carlina:

Paradoks našeg vremena kroz istoriju je da…

· Imamo veće zgrade ali kraće živce, šire puteve ali uža gledišta.
· Trošimo više ali imamo manje, kupujemo više ali uživamo manje.
· Imamo veće kuće i manje porodice, više pogodnosti ali manje vremena.
· Imamo više diploma ali manje razuma, više znanja ali manje rasuđivanja,
više stručnjaka ali i više problema, više medicine ali manje zdravlja.
· Pijemo previše, pušimo previše, trošimo nesmotreno, smejemo se premalo, vozimo prebrzo, previše se ljutimo, prekasno ležemo, ustajemo previše umorni, čitamo premalo, gledamo TV previše, i molimo se preretko.
· Umnogostručili smo svoje imetke, ali smanjili svoje vrednosti.
· Govorimo previše, volimo preretko, i mrzimo prečesto.
· Naučili smo kako da preživljavamo ali ne i da živimo.
· Dodali smo godine životu ali ne i život godinama.
· Stigli smo do meseca i natrag, ali imamo poteškoću da pređemo preko ulice da upoznamo novog suseda.
· Osvojili smo vanjski prostor ali ne i unutrašnji.
· Savladali smo atom ali ne i svoje predrasude.
· Planiramo više ali postižemo manje.
· Naučili smo žuriti ali ne i čekati.
· Pravimo više kompjutera da sadrže više informacija, da proizvode više kopija nego ikad, ali mi komuniciramo sve manje i manje.
· Ovo su vremena brze ishrane i sporog varenja, brzih zarada i plitkih odnosa.
· Ovo su dani dveju plata ali više razvoda, luksuznijih kuća ali uništenih domova.
· Ovo su dani brzih putovanja, jednokratnih pelena, moralnosti koja se može odbaciti, jednodnevnih predstava, pilula koje čine sve od hrane
· Ovo je vreme kada ima mnogo toga u izlogu, a ništa u skladištu.
· Vreme kada vam tehnologija može doneti ovo pismo, i vreme kada mozete odabrati da li ćete ga podeliti s nekim ili samo izbrisati.

· Provedite nešto vremena sa vašim voljenima, jer oni neće biti tu zauvek.
· Recite poneku ljubaznu reč onome ko vas gleda sa strahopoštovanjem, jer će ta mala osoba uskoro odrasti i otići.
· Dajte topao zagrljaj onome kraj vas, jer je to jedino blago koje možete dati svojim srcem a ne košta ni pare.
· Držite nekog za ruku i cenite momente jer jednog dana ta osoba možda neće biti pored vas.
· Dajte vremena ljubavi, razgovoru i dajte vremena podeli vaših misli s drugima.
· Zadržite samo vesele prijatelje. Loša raspoloženja vas jedino vuku ka dnu.
· Nastavite učiti. Naučite više o računarima, veštinama, baštovanstvu,.. bilo čemu. Nikada ne dajte umu da bude besposlen. " Besposlen um je vražja radionica."
· Uživajte u jednostavnim stvarima.
· Smejte se često, dugo i glasno. Smejte se dok ne izgubite dah.
· Suze se dešavaju. Izdržite, odbolujte, i produžite dalje. Jedina osoba koja je uz vas čitav život ste vi sami. Budite ŽIVI dok ste živi.
· Okružite se onim što volite, bila to porodica, ljubimci, uspomene, muzika, biljke, hobiji, ..... Ono što volite je vaše sklonište.
· Cenite svoje zdravlje: Ako je dobro, čuvajte ga. Ako je nestabilno, popravite ga.


cvetovi od krpcinja

Create a bouquet of fabric flowers that you don't even need to sew. Follow this tutorial from Dana Willard to create the fabric flowers with a glue gun and wooden dowels. Spray paint is optional!
No Sew Flowers
No Sew Flowers Bouquet
  • fabric scraps
  • wooden dowels
  • hot glue gun
  • coordinating felt
  • (optional) spray paint
  • (optional) kitchen sponge
Pick out the fabric color scheme you want. This project is perfect for all those fabric scraps you've been stashing away, like a pack rat (see you really do need them.)
Fabric Scraps
Purchase round wooden dowels at your local craft store. You can do any size you want but mine were 3/16 in by 12 inches long. They're inexpensive. About $2 for a bag of 16.
Wooden Dowels
Cut strips of fabric approximately 2x16 inches (no rules here, do whatever size you'd like. This is the size I used)
Cut Fabric Strips
Then, with your fabric strip, wooden dowel, and glue gun....we'll make a flower.
Supplies for Flower
Bunch up the beginning of the flower a bit (this will be the center of the flower). Btw, I'm right-handed and found that it's easiest to hold the flower in my left hand and work the fabric around with my right. If you're a Leftie, do the opposite.
Bunch up Fabric
Stick a dab of hot glue right in the center there and glue the end of the dowel to the center of the flower.
Glue at Center
Don't worry, the tip of the dowel won't show when you're done (unless you want it to! You can push it out more and add something to the top of it for a cool center. I just kept mine simple).
Bunching Fabric
Then, run a few inches of glue along the next section of the fabric,
Run Glue Along Fabric
Like this:
Glue on Fabric
And carefully, oh so carefully (so that you don't burn your hands...which I did....a few times), scrunch bits of the fabric up and press it together at the bottom of the flower. It's like you're "ruffling" the fabric. Just keep doing this, bit by bit. Glue, gather, stick, etc. Until you've gone all the way around. You may try using the back of a pen to help press the glued fabric down to keep from burning your finger.
Ruffle Fabric
And there you go! You should have a pretty blossom like this:
Complete Blossom
But let's finish off that base....
Base Before
Cut a small FELT circle (any color you'd like). Doesn't need to be a perfect circle, just eyeball it. Cut a slit in the middle, a la Mrs. Pacman, like this:
Piece of Felt
Then, glue and wrap the little felt circle around the base of the flower to disguise the messy glue and fabric:
Wrap felt around base
And you're done!
Complete Flower
Wasn't that E-A-S-Y? And really, pretty cute.
Complete Flower in Vase
Okay, let's try variations...Want to color your stems? Easy again!
Grab your favorite spray paint color. Who said stems had to be green? P-sha.
Spray Paint
You need to find something to make the dowels stand up while you spray them. Use whatever you have in the house. Nothing fancy. I grabbed a sponge from under the kitchen sink, poked tiny holes in it, and stuck the dowels down in each hole....
Cutting Sponge
Dowels in Sponge
Dowels in Sponge
Okay, take your dowels to a good/ventilated "painting spot".
To contain the paint even more, spray them inside of a box. These bankers boxes have come in more handy for craft projects than for moving.
Spray Painting Dowels
And start spraying away. Make sure everything gets and even coat. Let them dry.
Spray Painted Dowels
The tips of the painted dowels will be left unpainted, so use that part of the dowel when you glue it to the center of the flower, so it's hidden:
Unpainted Dowel End
The orange really adds a splash of color:
Painted Flower
To create the "scalloped" look of the two flowers above, fold your fabric strip in half a couple times:
Fold Fabric
Then cut a wavy pattern or scallops out of the one side:
Cut Scallop
And glue it around the dowel. You can also trim the edges a bit when you're done to sculpt the flower even more.
Complete Scalloped Flower
More ideas....
Add a center to your flower by bunching up a small scrap of fabric and glueing it right into the center:
Fabric in Center of Flower
Try a bright color at the base of your flower:
Bright Felt on Flower